
Amazon Sponsored Products vs. Lockscreen Ads for Authors

May 17, 202420 min read

Amazon has become a go-to platform for authors to sell their books and reach a wider audience. However, with so many books available on the platform, it can be challenging for authors to stand out and reach their target audience. This is where Amazon ads come in, specifically Amazon Sponsored Products vs. Lockscreen Ads.

Sponsored Products are a type of Amazon ad that allows authors to promote their books on the platform. These ads appear in search results and on product detail pages, making them a powerful tool for authors to increase visibility and sales. Lockscreen Ads, on the other hand, are a newer type of Amazon ad that appears on the lockscreen of Amazon Fire tablets and Kindle e-readers. These ads offer a unique opportunity for authors to reach readers who are actively using their devices.

When it comes to choosing between Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads, the decision ultimately depends on the author's goals and target audience. Sponsored Products are a great option for authors who want to increase visibility and sales on Amazon, while Lockscreen Ads are ideal for authors who want to reach a specific audience on Amazon Fire tablets and Kindle e-readers. Ultimately, the key is to understand the benefits and limitations of each type of ad and determine which one aligns best with the author's marketing strategy.


Understanding Amazon Ads for Authors

Types of Amazon Ads

Amazon offers several types of ads for authors, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Lockscreen Ads. Sponsored Products are recommended for authors who are new to advertising. They help you reach readers by showing ads for your books in relevant shopping results and on product pages. Sponsored Brands, on the other hand, allow you to promote multiple books in a single ad and are ideal for authors with a series or multiple books. Lockscreen Ads are full-screen ads that appear on Kindle e-readers and Fire tablets when the device is locked. They can be used to promote a single book or an entire series.

The Role of Amazon in Author Marketing

Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world and is a critical component of any author's marketing strategy. Amazon Advertising, in particular, is a powerful tool that can help authors reach new readers and increase book sales. By using Amazon Advertising, authors can target readers who are actively searching for books in their genre, as well as readers who have shown an interest in similar books in the past.

Amazon Sponsored Products Overview

Amazon Sponsored Products are a type of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising that allows authors to promote their books on These ads appear in search results and on product pages, and are triggered by specific keywords that are relevant to the book being advertised. When a reader clicks on the ad, they are taken to the book's product page, where they can learn more about the book and make a purchase.

Amazon Lockscreen Ads Overview

Amazon Lockscreen Ads are a type of display advertising that appears on Kindle e-readers and Fire tablets when the device is locked. These ads are full-screen and can be used to promote a single book or an entire series. When a reader clicks on the ad, they are taken to the book's product page, where they can learn more about the book and make a purchase.

In conclusion, Amazon Ads can be a powerful tool for authors looking to increase book sales and reach new readers. By understanding the different types of ads available and how they work, authors can create effective advertising campaigns that help them achieve their marketing goals.

Setting Up Your Campaigns

Once an author has decided to advertise their book on Amazon, they must create a campaign to promote it. This section will cover the fundamentals of setting up a campaign for both Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads.

Creating a Sponsored Products Campaign

To create a Sponsored Products campaign, an author must first sign in to their KDP account. Then, they should navigate to the "Advertising" tab and select "Create an Ad Campaign." From there, they can choose to create a new Sponsored Products campaign.

The author should give their campaign a name and select a start and end date for the campaign. They should also set a daily budget and choose a targeting strategy. The author can choose between manual and automatic targeting, but it is recommended to start with automatic targeting.

Once the campaign is created, the author can create ad groups and add keywords to target specific audiences. They can also set bids for their keywords and create ad creative, including images and text.

Creating a Lockscreen Ads Campaign

To create a Lockscreen Ads campaign, an author must sign in to their Amazon Ad Campaigns account. They should create a new campaign and select "Lockscreen Ads" as the ad type.

The author should give their campaign a name and set a start and end date for the campaign. They should also set a daily budget and choose a targeting strategy. The author can choose between automatic and manual targeting.

Once the campaign is created, the author can create ad groups and add keywords to target specific audiences. They can also set bids for their keywords and create ad creative, including images and text.

Campaign Management Fundamentals

Once a campaign is created, it is important to monitor and manage it regularly. The author should review the campaign's performance and adjust bids and targeting as needed. They should also add negative keywords to exclude irrelevant search terms.

It is important to regularly check the campaign's performance metrics, such as clicks, impressions, and conversions. This will help the author understand the effectiveness of their campaign and make informed decisions about future advertising efforts.

In conclusion, setting up and managing an Amazon Sponsored Products or Lockscreen Ads campaign requires careful planning and execution. By following the steps outlined above and regularly monitoring campaign performance, authors can effectively promote their books and reach a wider audience.


Targeting and Optimization Strategies

When it comes to Amazon advertising, targeting and optimization are crucial to the success of any campaign. In this section, we will discuss various strategies for targeting and optimizing Amazon Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads for authors.

Keyword Targeting and Match Types

One of the most important aspects of targeting is choosing the right keywords and match types. Amazon Sponsored Products offers two types of keyword targeting: automatic and manual. Automatic targeting allows Amazon to choose the keywords for your ads based on your book's metadata, while manual targeting allows you to choose your own keywords. Manual targeting also allows you to choose from three different match types: broad, phrase, and exact. Broad match will show your ad for any search term that is related to your keyword, while phrase match will show your ad for search terms that include your keyword in the same order. Exact match will only show your ad for search terms that exactly match your keyword.

Product Targeting Options

Another targeting option for Amazon Sponsored Products is product targeting. This allows you to target specific products or product categories that are similar to your book. You can also use negative targeting to exclude certain products or categories from your targeting.

Lockscreen Ads, on the other hand, do not offer product targeting. Instead, they only allow you to target specific interests or categories.

Automatic vs. Manual Targeting

Both Amazon Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads offer automatic and manual targeting options. Automatic targeting allows Amazon to choose the targeting for your ads based on your book's metadata or the interests of the user, while manual targeting allows you to choose your own targeting options.

Manual targeting can be more effective, as it allows you to choose the most relevant keywords and products for your book. However, it can also be more time-consuming and require more testing and optimization.

Optimization Strategies

Optimizing your Amazon advertising campaigns is crucial to their success. One important optimization strategy is to continually monitor and adjust your bids and budgets. You should also regularly review your targeting options and adjust them as needed.

Another important optimization strategy is to regularly review and adjust your keyword and product targeting. You should also regularly review your negative targeting and add any new keywords or products that you want to exclude.

In conclusion, targeting and optimization are crucial to the success of any Amazon advertising campaign. By choosing the right keywords and product targeting options, and regularly monitoring and adjusting your campaigns, you can increase your book's visibility and sales on Amazon.

Budgeting and Bidding

When it comes to advertising on Amazon, budgeting and bidding are two critical factors that can make or break your campaign. In this section, we will discuss how to determine your advertising budget, bidding strategies, and cost-per-click.

Determining Your Advertising Budget

Before you start your campaign, it is essential to determine your advertising budget. You can set a daily budget for your campaign, which is the maximum amount you are willing to spend on advertising in a day. Amazon recommends a minimum daily budget of $1, but you can set it higher depending on your advertising goals.

It is important to note that your daily budget is not a guarantee that you will spend that amount every day. Amazon's system will adjust your bids based on competition and other factors to maximize your ad's performance within your budget.

Understanding Bidding Strategies

Amazon offers two bidding strategies for Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads: automatic and manual.

With automatic bidding, Amazon's system will set your bids for you based on your daily budget and the competition for the keywords you are targeting. This strategy is ideal for beginners or those who want to save time and effort.

With manual bidding, you can set your bids for each keyword or placement in your campaign. This strategy gives you more control over your bids and allows you to adjust them based on performance.

Cost-Per-Click and ACoS

Cost-per-click (CPC) is the amount you pay when someone clicks on your ad. It is determined by your bid and the competition for the keyword or placement you are targeting. The higher your bid, the higher your CPC.

Amazon also measures your campaign's performance with the advertising cost of sales (ACoS) metric. ACoS is the ratio of your advertising spend to your sales. A lower ACoS indicates that your campaign is more efficient and profitable.

In conclusion, when it comes to budgeting and bidding for your Amazon Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads campaign, it is essential to determine your advertising budget, understand the bidding strategies, and monitor your CPC and ACoS. With the right approach, you can maximize your ad's performance and achieve your advertising goals.

Measuring Campaign Effectiveness

When running an Amazon advertising campaign, it is important to measure its effectiveness to ensure that the ad spend is generating a positive return on investment. There are several metrics that authors can use to analyze their campaign performance.

Analyzing Campaign Performance

Amazon provides a Campaign Manager dashboard that allows authors to track the performance of their Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads. This dashboard provides data on impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), and other important metrics. By analyzing this data, authors can determine which ads are performing well and which ones need to be optimized or paused.

Sales, Royalties, and Profit

One of the most important metrics to track is sales. Amazon provides data on the number of units sold, as well as the revenue generated from each sale. Authors can also track their royalties, which is the percentage of the sale price that they receive as income. By comparing the revenue generated from each sale to the cost of the ad spend, authors can determine their profit margin and adjust their ad spend accordingly.

Impressions and Click-Through Rates

Impressions and click-through rates (CTR) are also important metrics to track. Impressions are the number of times an ad is displayed, while CTR is the percentage of impressions that result in a click. By analyzing these metrics, authors can determine how well their ads are resonating with their target audience. If an ad has a high number of impressions but a low CTR, it may be an indication that the ad needs to be optimized or revised.

In conclusion, measuring campaign effectiveness is critical to the success of an Amazon advertising campaign. By analyzing metrics such as sales, royalties, profit, campaign performance, impressions, and click-through rates, authors can optimize their ad spend and generate a positive return on investment.

Creative Elements of Amazon Ads

When it comes to Amazon Ads, there are several creative elements that authors should consider to make their ads more engaging and effective. These elements include designing eye-catching ad creatives, using book cover and title in ads, and writing compelling ad copy and headlines.

Designing Engaging Ad Creatives

One of the most important creative elements of Amazon Ads is the use of images or other creatives that capture the attention of potential readers. Authors should ensure that their ad creatives are visually appealing, relevant to the book, and easy to understand. They can use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create custom images or graphics that stand out.

Book Cover and Title in Ads

Another important creative element of Amazon Ads is the use of the book cover and title in the ad. Authors should ensure that their book cover is prominently displayed in the ad, along with a clear and concise title. This will help potential readers to quickly understand what the book is about and whether it is something they might be interested in.

Ad Copy and Headlines

The ad copy and headlines are also important creative elements of Amazon Ads. Authors should write compelling copy that highlights the key features and benefits of their book. They should also use attention-grabbing headlines that entice potential readers to click on the ad and learn more about the book. It's important to keep the ad copy and headlines clear, concise, and easy to understand.

In summary, authors should focus on designing engaging ad creatives, using book cover and title in ads, and writing compelling ad copy and headlines to make their Amazon Ads more effective. By using these creative elements, authors can increase the visibility of their books and attract more potential readers.

Compliance and Best Practices

When it comes to advertising on Amazon, authors need to be aware of Amazon's Advertising Policies and guidelines to ensure their ads comply with the platform's standards. Here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

Amazon's Advertising Policies

Amazon has strict acceptance policies for its Sponsored Products ads, and authors need to ensure their ads comply with these policies to avoid rejection or account suspension. For example, ads cannot include prohibited content such as offensive language or images, misleading claims, or counterfeit products. Authors should also ensure that their ads comply with Amazon's advertising guidelines, which include rules around ad placement, content, and targeting.

Optimizing Product Pages for Ads

Authors can optimize their product pages to increase the effectiveness of their Sponsored Products ads. This includes ensuring that their product titles, descriptions, and images are clear and compelling, and that they accurately represent the product. Authors should also ensure that their product pages include relevant keywords that will help their ads show up in search results.

Building a Strong Brand Presence

Authors can build a strong brand presence on Amazon by creating a detailed Author Central profile that includes a bio, photo, and links to their social media accounts. They can also use Sponsored Products ads to promote their brand and increase visibility. By building a strong brand presence, authors can increase their credibility and attract more readers to their books.

Overall, authors who follow these best practices can create effective Sponsored Products and Lockscreen ads that comply with Amazon's policies and guidelines, and that help them reach a wider audience.

Advanced Advertising Strategies for Authors

As an author, you can leverage Amazon's AI and search algorithms to increase your book's visibility and sales. By choosing the right type of Amazon ad, you can reach your target audience and drive more sales. Here are some advanced advertising strategies for authors to consider:

Leveraging Amazon's AI and Search Algorithms

Amazon's AI and search algorithms are designed to match shoppers with products they are most likely to buy. As an author, you can use this to your advantage by optimizing your book's metadata such as title, subtitle, description, and keywords. This will help your book appear in relevant search results and improve its discoverability.

You can also use Amazon's Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands ads to target specific keywords and categories. By bidding on relevant keywords, you can increase your book's visibility and drive more sales.

Exploring Different Types of Amazon Ads

Amazon offers different types of ads that authors can use to promote their books. Sponsored Products is the most common type of ad that authors use to drive traffic to their book's detail page. These ads appear in relevant search results and on product pages.

Sponsored Brands ads are another type of ad that authors can use to promote their books. These ads appear at the top of search results and feature your book's cover image, title, and subtitle. This type of ad is ideal for authors who have multiple books in a series or want to promote their brand.

Lockscreen ads are a newer type of ad that authors can use to reach readers. These ads appear on the lockscreen of Kindle e-readers and Fire tablets. They feature your book's cover image and title and are a great way to reach readers who are already engaged with Amazon's ecosystem.

International Advertising: UK and Beyond

If you're an author who sells books in the UK or other international markets, you can use Amazon's advertising platform to reach readers in those markets. Amazon offers Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands ads in the UK and other countries, allowing you to target readers in those markets.

By using these advanced advertising strategies, authors can increase their book's visibility and drive more sales. Whether you're targeting specific keywords, categories, or international markets, Amazon's advertising platform offers a variety of tools to help you reach your target audience.

Marketing Beyond Amazon Ads

Authors who want to sell their books on Amazon have several options beyond Amazon ads to promote their books and engage with readers. Here are some strategies to consider:

Integrating with Kindle Direct Publishing

One way to promote books on Amazon is to integrate with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). KDP is Amazon's self-publishing platform that allows authors to upload and sell their books on Amazon. By integrating with KDP, authors can take advantage of Amazon's marketing tools, such as Kindle Countdown Deals and Free Book Promotions, to reach a wider audience.

Promoting Books through Amazon and Other Channels

Authors can also promote their books through Amazon and other channels. For example, they can participate in Amazon's Author Central program, which allows authors to create a profile page, add their books to a bibliography, and connect with readers. Authors can also promote their books through social media, book clubs, and book review sites.

Engaging with the General Audience and Readers

Engaging with the general audience and readers is another effective way to promote books. Authors can participate in book fairs, book signings, and other events to connect with readers. They can also create a blog or website to share their writing journey and connect with readers. By engaging with readers, authors can build a loyal fan base and increase their book sales.

In addition to Amazon ads, authors have several options to promote their books and engage with readers. By integrating with KDP, promoting their books through Amazon and other channels, and engaging with the general audience and readers, authors can increase their book sales and grow their fan base.


In conclusion, both Amazon Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to promoting books for authors.

Sponsored Products are a great way to promote individual books and can be used to target specific keywords or categories. They appear in search results and on product detail pages, making them highly visible to potential readers. However, they require a minimum of three books to run Sponsored Brand ads, and the competition for ad space can be fierce, resulting in higher costs per click.

Lockscreen Ads, on the other hand, are a less intrusive way to promote books. They appear on the lock screen of Kindle devices and are only shown to users who have opted-in to see them. This means that they have a higher likelihood of being seen by readers who are already interested in books. However, they are not as targeted as Sponsored Products and can be more expensive per impression.

Ultimately, the choice between Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads will depend on the author's goals and budget. If the author is looking to promote individual books and has a larger budget, Sponsored Products may be the way to go. If the author is looking for a more passive way to promote their books and has a smaller budget, Lockscreen Ads may be a better option.

Regardless of which option is chosen, it is important for authors to carefully monitor their ad campaigns and adjust their strategies as needed. By doing so, they can maximize their return on investment and reach a wider audience of readers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the cost differences between Amazon Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads for authors?

The cost of running Sponsored Products and Lockscreen Ads on Amazon for authors varies based on several factors, such as targeting options, ad placement, and bidding strategies. Typically, Sponsored Products are more affordable than Lockscreen Ads, but the effectiveness of each ad type can vary based on the author's goals and target audience.

How do Lockscreen Ads and Sponsored Products differ in targeting potential readers?

Lockscreen Ads and Sponsored Products on Amazon differ in their targeting options. While Sponsored Products allow authors to target specific keywords, interests, and behaviors of potential readers, Lockscreen Ads are targeted based on the interests and reading history of Kindle users. Lockscreen Ads can also be targeted based on specific book genres and authors.

What are the advantages of using Sponsored Display Ads for authors on Amazon?

Sponsored Display Ads on Amazon offer authors the advantage of targeting readers who have already shown interest in their books. These ads are displayed on the product detail pages of related or complementary products, increasing the likelihood of reaching a highly targeted audience. Additionally, Sponsored Display Ads are cost-effective and offer authors the ability to track and optimize their campaigns for maximum ROI.

How effective are Lockscreen Ads in promoting books compared to Amazon Sponsored Products?

Lockscreen Ads and Sponsored Products on Amazon can both be effective in promoting books, but their effectiveness can vary based on the author's goals and target audience. Lockscreen Ads are highly visible and can reach a broad audience, but they may not be as targeted as Sponsored Products. Sponsored Products, on the other hand, can be highly targeted and are more likely to convert potential readers into buyers.

Why might authors choose Amazon Sponsored Ads over other advertising options?

Authors might choose Amazon Sponsored Ads over other advertising options because of their effectiveness in reaching a highly targeted audience of potential readers. Additionally, Amazon Sponsored Ads offer authors the ability to track and optimize their campaigns, ensuring maximum ROI.

Can authors track the performance of Lockscreen Ads versus Sponsored Products, and how?

Yes, authors can track the performance ofLockscreen Ads and Sponsored Products on Amazon using the Amazon Advertising dashboard. The dashboard provides detailedmetrics on ad performance, including impressions, clicks, and conversions.Authors can use this data to optimize their campaigns and improve their ROI.

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