Social Media

Social Media Corner: November

August 31, 20247 min read

Hi, guys. Welcome back to Finding Your Indie. I'm Bonnie Paulson. And I'm Mandie Stevens. We are here for a November Social Media Corner.

We're excited to have you here and we're going to turn the time over to Mandie.

So, we release these about a week before the month starts, but if you're in Boss Mode, then you have it early so you can plan out your quarter.

We have some good things in November. I'm excited about this.

November 1st is National Author Day.


Right? So, you can celebrate yourself. Although, although I would also maybe tag my favorite author in this.

Yes. I like that idea. That'd be cute. A group of authors that have inspired you, a group of authors that you just like to read, or that are friends of yours or whatever.

I think that's a great idea. Feature them instead of you. Then you can ask your readers, other than myself, who do you like to read? Because then you'll really get a good idea of the books that they like. And you can use that data for other things like targeting.

Awesome. Love it. Very cool. I love that.

I'd love the second day. Cookie monster day. I'd probably take it and ask your favorite cookie too. That's good for interactions.

There are so many things right now with Crumble, and I don't know what all the different names are, but all these huge cookie companies. We have one that just opened here, a Crumble.

Oh yeah, Crumble. Man, those cookies are expensive.

Yeah, I've heard some cool things about that company. Cookie Monster Day could apply to a lot of genres. So, that would be a good one.

Personally, one of my absolute favorite holidays, second to Easter, is Veterans Day. That's November 11th. I love that one. I usually say thank you to the veterans in my life. That's great for any genre to post. Also, if you write military romance, you could post pictures of veterans. Or military sci fi or anything. Tie it into your books.

Otherwise, I would just say thank you. Because I always do that.

Here's a good one. November 15th, is I love to write day.

Yes. You can maybe share your WIP. Unedited. That'd be good to share in your reader group. Then maybe tag your group on your page and say, go here to read what I'm working on.

Yeah. I love that. Also ask them if they write. Ask your readers, hey, do you write anything besides a grocery list? What do you like to write? Maybe they like to write poetry, or maybe they're trying to journal. There are so many things that people do out there.

Maybe they're bloggers. There's just lots of things. I think that's awesome. It doesn't just say love to write fiction. It's I Love to Write Day. So, what do you love to write?

One of my favorite things to write, and this sounds totally stupid, is a to do list. Seriously. I love it.

That does not surprise me. It doesn't surprise me.


I do too. I do too, but I use Notion now, so I'll put my to do list, and then I move it over. I do have a to do list right here for videos, and I'm crossing them off and I'm like, yes, I crossed it off.

Yeah, it feels good.

November 18th is a good one. It's a cult day.

Yeah, that's great for me. It’s great for urban fantasy. If you write anything with witches or magic, this is a great one for you to celebrate and do a feature. Maybe ask what's your favorite book centered around witches or vampires or whatever.

That's a good one for niche marketing.

What's your favorite supernatural creature? That's one I ask a lot, and it's good for interaction.

I love that. That's awesome.

Isn't that Thanksgiving Day?

Yeah. That's a good one. People are on Facebook a lot and other social media things.

There is Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day. Do you have a unique talent, Mandie?

Of course. Writing. I don't know how unique that is.

Oh, I do have a unique talent. Something I'm very, very passionate about. I love to help people with ideas. If you have a business, I like to help people find their end goal. So, they're like, I want to do this. I help them with the steps. That's something I'm very passionate about. I don't know how unique it is, but it's fun.

That's awesome. Yeah. I love doing stuff like that. I think a dumb little unique talent I have is I can say all of the presidents of the United States by memory.

At least you're not burping it.

Oh, that's terrible. No, boys. I wouldn't do that. I could, but I wouldn't.

We have Black Friday. Asking them about different deals and stuff like that.

Small business Saturday. You could run a sale. I always suggest running from Thanksgiving to that Monday because that Monday is Cyber Monday. I think that's a good time to really have a sale.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

The National Children's Book Week. That's an excellent one. That's the second week of November. I think that would work with most genres too because you want to push illiteracy in general.

Agreed. Young Readers Week, which is the same week as National Children's and I read a lot of YA. I enjoy it, so I would probably tag that.

Family Stories Month.

This one you could say, hey, are you reading stories as a family? What kind of books do you read as a family? We read scriptures as a family, but we also like the Harry Potter series, and there's other books. But you know that it’s taking us a decade to get through the whole series, so we'll probably always read that one.

We really like Lane Walker books because we have boys, and they hunt. So those are really fun stories.

My kids are pretty much grown, so they don't want to sit around and read with me. They want to read their own books.

Of course, we have National Novel Writing Month, and a lot of people who aren't professional writers yet do like to participate in that.

Just in case you're like, what is that? It's NaNoWriMo. It has an official name.

Yeah. I forgot. I thought it was NaNoWriMo. I remembered this, but I didn't remember NaNoWriMo.

There's sign up places. If you just ask your local library, hey, is there a NaNoWriMo group? They'll tell you that there is, and it's set up by region and area and by library. People go and they join each other for that whole month, and they do sprints and it's awesome.

There are forums, there's all kinds of things dedicated to NaNoWriMo. So, if you haven't had a chance to try it, the goal is you have hit 50,000 words in a month. Most people are getting ready right now. Sarah Cannon has a NaNoWriMo prep on her YouTube channel on Heart Breathings. So, check that out. It's all about how to edit and how to plot and everything to get ready for NaNoWriMo.

Oh, nice. Then people write it. I participated one year, and I was like, I'll never do that again because I can already write 50,000 in a month. But because I was trying to compete with other people, I was like, nah, I'm out. Competitive is not my favorite thing. I'm like, nah, but it's good. It's a fun one. Have you ever done it?

I did it once and I joined some local chapters, but I was doing it because my goals were different. While I was writing for 50,000 words, I had multiple books going, trying to do different things, and working on marketing. I was just in a different place than a lot of people were in my chapter. So, I was like, I'm out.

Yeah. Exactly. It's a lot. I get it. I do plan on writing 50,000 words in November plus some, but at my own pace.

Yeah. At my own pace. I like that.

That's it for November. If you have any other ideas that you'd like to add, please put them in the comments.

Again, whenever you're with us, we always want to make sure that you have a goal that you're working towards.

Make sure you're sticking to your brand and make sure you're having fun because we're always having fun. Even when we're talking about desserts. Or especially because we're talking about desserts, whatever.

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This is our NovemberSocial Media Marketing Corner.

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